Disney Book Tag
Disney Book Tag I haven’t done a book tag for so long!!! And since now I’m a free student, I find a lot of book tags from the booktubers. They’re so great!!! And I’m so jealous of them. You know, they got to visit Yellwest, BEA, Bookcon, and everything else. One, day, I’m going to visit New York long enough to join those event. Definitely. And guys, I’m announcing a huge news. I’m going to New York this summer!!!!! Ahhhh!!!!!! I’m so exciting!!!!! It hasn’t been sure for previous day, but now, I’ve registered the event to study in NYU for a month. Everything is sure and I’m going to explore EVERY. SINGLE. BOOKSTORE in New York!!!! I’m sooooooo exciting !!!! First step, Barnes and Noble !!!! Maybe you guys can tell me here the other great bookstores in New York are. Please??? Please, please, please? Alright, I know you agree, remember to comment down after reading the tag! Yeah!!! Now, where are we? Yes, Disney Book Tag! Just several days ago, it popped on my mi...