Finding Neverland Book Tag
Finding Neverland Book Tag

Top one musical of all time? Finding
Neverland!!!! I love this musical so much!!! Even before I went to NYC, I’ve
heard the songs for thousands of time and fallen in love with the entire
musical. And when I actually saw it? Tears of joy, tears of satisfaction, tears
of feelings…yes, I’ll all with tears.
I’m so calm… Indeed…
And after the first time? I kept screaming
whenever I saw any ads on the bus and the screen… When I knew I got the chance
to watch another musical…I choose to spend all of the money on Finding
Neverland!!! Again!!! And at a great great seat!
So, after I watch the musical, I decided to
do a Finding Neverland book tag!!! Based on the songs and the plots!
If The World
Turned Upside Down—a book that change your life.
A book change my life? I don’t actually read
inspiring books…not often. But that doesn’t mean that my books don’t change my
life…they change me in every way, the way I think, the way I do… so the book is—Throne
of Glass series by Sarah J, Mass. The really start of my English book reading
started there. Even though I actually start with The Captive Maiden by Melanie
Dickerson and I love it so much…but still…to start with YA, it is definitely
going to go to TOG series…no matter how much I dislike it now. (I just read the
spoiler…and umm…Empire of Storms? Not so sure.)

2. All
of London is Here—a famous British book series.
A famous British book, I’m not
going to go with Harry Potter…that’ll have to wait later. One of the most
famous British book, behold—Narnia!!! The Chronicles of Narnia is one of the
most well-known children book, and one of my childhood favorites. It’s full of
magic and…Aslan!
3. The
Pirates of Kensington—a book with pirates.
I…don’t have any book with pirates. That’s
right…I don’t. There are a lot of books out there with Peter Pan retelling or
Neverland…although I’d love to read them. I haven’t gotten any of them …yet. I
will, someday.
4. Believe—a
book full of imagination.
Books are wild with imagination, and some
just have more than others. Well…same as the musical…it’s Peter Pan!!! I’ve
read Peter Pan long time ago and I remember it’s quite amazing, especially for
a child. It’s not like other books with entirely fantasy world, but it’s reality
with wonder…a bit like Alice in the Wonderland as well. Since…I’m doing a
Finding Neverland book tag…so I’ll go to Peter Pan.
5. We
Own The Night—a book with night time adventure.
Some adventures? Well…The book goes to—Cruel
Beauty!!! I’ve noticed that I haven’t mention this book very often…but I really
love it! Even it’s a bit complicated to read…the plot, especially to the end…but
it’s quite an adventure, and I love Nyx, it’s not often to read a cruel beauty.
I know…you’re asking for night time adventure…the castle comes alive at
night!!! So the entire book is embraced by darkness!!! Yes…wondering around the
castle count, but trust me…it’s not simply “just” wondering around.
6. All
That Matters—a book with strong heroine.
A book? Please…all the protagonists nowadays
are female, bad-ass…how am I going to choose? Oh wait! It occurs to me…Kelsea
from The Queen of the Tearling!!! One of my most anticipated books this
fall!!!! And the final is about to come!!! I heard it was fantastic!!!! She is
so powerful and strong, and definitely unique. I love her so much.
And you know what’s even better? I plan to do
a 10 Strong Heroines Book Tag soon!!! The original one is sponsored by Harper
according to the final book—The Fate of the Tearling. And since I love it so
much…I decided to do one as well! So wait and see!!! And…AHHHHHHH!!!!! What a
tragic!!! I’d plan to write The Queen of the Tearling review long ago!!!!
(Rushing toward my bookshelves…)
Lullaby—a book that soothe you.
It’s always a great thing to put yourselves
entirely into books and have lots of lots of emotions…but sometime…it also
feels great to soothe your complicated mind with a simple lovely book. The book
that soothe my mind is…wait…do I have this kind of book? Umm…let me think…I
do!!! The Little Princess. It’s a classic…but you can’t
help but be WOW by Sara’s good nature and friendly personality. Even during a
hard time it’s a valuable virtue.
8. Neverland—a
book place in Neverland.
Next on my TBR shelf!!!! (Checking my
TBR list…wait…where is the end?) And even this list isn’t about book…go and
listen to the song Neverland, no matter which edition. Original Broadway or
Zendaya’s…they’re both excellent.
Here! I’ll give you
the link:
9. Circus
of Your Mind—a book with complicated plots.
Complicated plots…that might be a good thing
for books…or perhaps…a terrible thing. You see…if a complicated plot is well
organized, it might be a thrilling story. However, if it’s a bad one…
Now…a complicated plot… (I plan to pick
Cruel Beauty…but it appears…I put it up there…now I have to think of another.)
I think...The Golden Compass also gets an
complicated plot? I know it’s a children book…but when I read it during my
childhood for the first time…I don’t quite understand. Yes…perhaps I’m not
smart enough…but don’t you think it’s really a complicated book? Full of religious
plot, schemes, lots of characters, realm travel… However…there is no denying
that His Dark Material is a fantastic series.
Ocean? I love water…let’s pick The Siren Trilogy
by Tricia Rayburn!!!! This is my favorite Siren series…and one of my favorite
dark stories. There are storms, beauty, romance…and murder. Wait…I suddenly
recall Pretty Little Lair. (Haha…they have nothing related.)
11. Stronger—a
book with a hero reborn.
All books need heroes…but a hero reborn…hum…Clockwork
Prince. William Herondales. We finally know where all his moody changes come
from and definitely don’t blame him at all. He…will...this reborn isn’t like
the others finding their abilities and having an enormous change of their life.
Save the world…or blablabla. However, Will has a life-changed experience and…yes,
reborn. Read the book and you’ll know.
12. The
World Is Upside Down—a book with a play/story inside.
A book with
play/story? Then we simply must head to Ink Heart!!! Yes…I know this story has
been forgotten for a long while. But it’s actually a nice series!!! I love Ink
Heart, and the movie…although it changes too. As for Ink Death and Ink Blood…I’m
not sure, at least…I don’t have a lot of memory of them? Perhaps I’ll re-read
when “I have time.”
13. What
You Mean To Me—a book with heartbreaking relationship.
Clockwork Princess, Clockwork
Clockwork Princess!!!!!!!! It’s definitely the
most heartbreaking ending!!!! Not entirely…but the part that…die. Oh My God…I
actually heard my heart cracked into pieces…not to mention I actually spoil
myself. (As now the timing…I’m still read the first part of Clockwork Princess…but
I’ve already read the ending.) And my tears…
I feel like this. So sad…I cry at
every Cassandra Clare’s final book in the series. And not just a few drop of
tears…it’s like a heavy rain. The entire house was going to be drown.
Play—a book
with fun entertainment.
Harry Potter!!!! Quidditch!!!! The best sport
ever!!!! (I won’t tell you I’m afraid of height. You hear nothing, you hear
nothing.) I think it’s everyone’s dream to actually fly up into sky and play Quidditch!
Even you’re not a Harry Potter fan you’ll love this sport.
for who don’t know what Quidditch is…wait…then you’ll not be reading this
bookish tag, skip, next!
We’re All Made
of Stars—a book with stars.
Stars? I love
stars!!!! And---The Star-Cross Queen!!!!! Some might say it’s a boring story…but
I say it’s great. It’s not some happy book you read all the time, instead, it’s
sad and dark. But gradually, you fell in love with this book and couldn’t pull
yourselves out from the beautiful scenes and story.
16. When
Your Feet Don’t Touch The Ground—a book with tragedy.
I hate tragedy…don’t you just love happy
ending? (Wait…some part of evil me screaming for “GOOD” tragedy.) So…I
think...well…it’s half half, not entirely tragedy…but tragic enough for me.
Mistborn Trilogy The Hero of Ages.
Now…it might contain spoiler…so if you haven’t
read it yet…
About This Night—a book with exciting beginning.
Exciting beginning…that’s
hard to pick. The beginning is usually the most boring part…but…I guess…The
Ranger’s Apprentice? It doesn’t hold the story line too long and somehow the
plots are interesting. So…let’s go with this one!!!!
Now…as Finding Neverland ended from Broadway…our
bookish tag also come to an end. I love this musical…so I hope you’ll also like
it too!!! Remember to book your tickets if it’s going to your country for the
national tour!!!! And…keep your eyes to the second star to the right!!!!
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