Summertime Madness Book Tag
Summertime Madness Book Tag
Just few months ago, I’ve done the spring
time book haul!!! Now, so fast…months past, it’s time for summer!!! So…what
time it is? Summer time!!! Time for another pile of books!!!
In Taiwan, it’s always a tortuous thing to
stay outdoor. The extreme heat and blazing sun…it kills us. So…what’s my
favorite activity? Stay inside the house and get a pile of books and open the air-condition
and eat books, drink books, and devour books!!! Oh! Maybe with a good glass of
drink! That’s my wonderful vacation. My bedroom and perfect companion.
So, I’m here to share you my summer vacation!
1. Show
a book with a summery cover! i.e Sun, Beach etc.
Umm…does a cliff count??? Ah! I think I do
have a book with summery cover, The Siren by Kiera Cass!!! The
cover has beach, ocean, and bright sunlight! Isn’t that summery enough?
Although the story has nothing to do with summer. Not at all. But just see the
summer cover! I love it! It’s lovely and beautiful…and BLUE!!! I love blue and
ocean and everything related to sea, especially with shells. I can’t resist
beautiful shells.

Does that count sea? You know…sea witch…probably.

2. Pick
one fictional place that would be the perfect destination for your Summer
I want to travel everywhere! In every inches
of those fictional place!!! But, my ideal vacation will be at Camp
Half-Blood!!! Where can you find a more perfect place? You can get magic,
demigod, magical creatures, and those battle lessons… and it’s just in New
York! Although…I don’t think I can get into Camp Half-Blood…maybe someday I’ll
find my secret identity? And that’ll be great. What about a secret trip to Long
Island and find Camp Half-Blood? (Well well…I don’t think I’ll get the chance...since
I will be in NYU area for almost the entire time. But…ahhhh! I know it’s
there…somehow…it’s enough.)
You're about
to go on a flight to your Summer Vacation. But you want to read a book that
lasts for the whole flight so what novella do you choose?
Harry Potter! No matter what book it is! I
never stop reading Harry Potter! No matter how many times I’ve read it, it’s
still as great as the first time I’ve read it. But…sometime…I prefer to watch
movies, of course, plus books! Well…I haven’t decide which books to read, but
I’m sure I’ll figure it out when I’m about to go New York! I read Half-blood
Prince during my flight toward Australia…and since now I’m going to fly longer
than that? I think perhaps The Deathly Hollow will do! Perhaps…perhaps…who
knows? I might change my mind to devour the entire series! (What?)

Oh! And proud to be a
You have a
case of Summertime Sadness--what happy book do you pick up to shine a smile on
your face?
It’s Doon series!!! I love these books so
much! The friendship between Veronica and Mackenna just warms my heart and I
can’t stop smiling when reading this book. Besides, who can resist two hot hot
hot boys? Jamie and Duncan…and blablabla all the sweet things. I still remember
how Machenna changes the lyrics of Into the Wood. That part is so funny, and
Veronica’s reaction? Haha. So…if I want to cheer myself up, Doon is definitely
the best choice of them all.
The beloved kingdom~
You're sitting
at the beach all alone...which fictional character would be your beach babe?
A handsome one, definitely. (Wait…but there
are so many handsome guys!!! How can I choose only “one”?) However, beside
beach? Even as much I hope it will be Rhys from A Court of Mist and Fury…I
don’t think he’ll do, right? He belongs to the night. Who else? Umm…Valten from
The Captive Maiden? Nein…he is too serious. Ah! I get it! Ignifex from Cruel Beauty will
do! Or whatever he called. Never mind…he is the perfect one. He is wicked and
vicious, but also sweet and well…I don’t know how to describe. But he is definitely
my type. (Swoon…)
6. To
match your ice cream you want an icy cool sidekick! Which fictional sidekick do
you pick?
Having a or more great sidekick is
important!!! Right? See? Harry gets Ron, Veronica and Mackenna, Cinder,
Scarlet, Cress, and Winter! So…I will choose…Lia from The Kiss of Deception! She
is sweet and smart and a great friend of Pauline! I know we will be best friend
if we know each other! Oh wait! I do know her! Just…well…she doesn’t know. But I
have my faith that she will survive toward the third book, I believe that. (She
had best survive…or I don’t know what I’ll do.) (But the good news is…I can get
the book as soon as it arrive the bookstore!!! I’m so excited to get my hand on
Forever Doon and The Beauty of Darkness on August 2!!!)
7. Share
the Summertime Happiness! Who do you TAG?
Every one!!! Summer is for everyone!! So, if
you’ve seen this post, then you’ve been tag! Happy summer time! (Although it
has always been a torture to stay in Taiwan for summer…the heat…it kills.)
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