Spring Time Book Tag

Spring Time Book Tag

     Welcome to spring! I know some of your country is approaching to Spring, so this tag will be a welcoming Spring tag! As for most who are like me…Spring is about to turns in to Summer…let’s say it’s a “goodbye Spring tag.” As for those who are anticipating for winter…well…I’ve nothing to say… This book tag is inspired by “Fall Time Cozy Book Tag” on YouTube last year, and I found it quite interesting to do…however, as you can see…we’re not in Autumn now, so I change it as a spring book tag! Also, I’d change the majority of the tag inside, and create my own. So, let’s get started! 

1.     Spring Color: a book with green/ red cover

Umm…actually there are so many books that are those colors! First one, green! Doon by Lorie Langdon and Carey Corp, definitely gets a beautiful green cover…and don’t you think it looks exactly in spring time? Next, Red! A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas. ACOTAR…well…might be the best suit of them all! As we all know…the story sets in Spring Court. See? Spring Court! Spring Court, spring book tag! Perfect match! (that’s the reason why I choose it over Cruel Beauty…) As for a book that reminds me most of spring…I’ll choose Jane Austen seven novels classic leather-bound edition by Barnes and Nobles. The beautiful yellow green cover plus little flowers embroidery beside the book, spring is here! 

2.     Spring Wear: a book that suits your spring jacket?

I normally wear a blue jacket during spring time…well…only when really cold…and the color has nothing to do with spring. Just…you know…it happens to wear in spring. So the book is…A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness, All Soul Trilogy. This series is excellent, perfect, and magnificent. You know when your “vampire things” being ruined by Twilight movie, and you were so disappointed with all “vampire stuff.” Then…boom! A Discovery of Witches came in front of your eyes…your vampire world was saved! Yeah!!! Well…back to the tag…really…the cover just has the exactly same color with my jacket.  

3.     Spring Rain: a book that you’ll like to read during rain and windy day?

Raining. Raining. Raining. Just last week…freezing, cold raining days…aweful…but better then blazing sun… So…when it’s raining…The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer! I know…that’s not “a” book…but I’m reading the entire series now…and I couldn’t choose one of them!!! (Perhaps…perhaps…Stars Above…) 

4.     Breeze Wind : what warm character you’ll like have as a company?

All my god…there are so many characters I’d like to have as BFF or boyfriend. Hum…can I choose all of them??? So first, BFF! I’ll pick Alyss in The Ranger Apprentice, she is so similar to me…and I’m considering being a diplomat because of her! She’s so smart!!! And she’s stubborn…like me. As for the “boyfriend” part…I always tell my mom that I don’t need a boyfriend…because I’ve so many in the book! (Well…the last past I didn’t tell her…) Umm…if my “future actually exist boyfriend” break my book…hahahahaha! (Laughing evily…you know what’ll happen to you.) Ahh!!! Fiction boyfriend…hum…I think I’ll probably choose Valten in The Captive Maiden…? Although I don’t think he’ll suit me at all…but I just love him so much!!! (Well…I’m also considering Kai in The Lunar Chronicles, Chaol in Throne of Glass series, Jamie in Doon series, Ignifex in Cruel Beauty, Simon in Siren, and Nicholas in A Spy’s Devotion.) WoW…that’s a long list… 

5.     Blossom Flower: a book that makes you keep screaming and wowing during reading.

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer. I just finish it last week…so it’s spring…and I just can’t stop screaming and wowing during reading. And I actually read it at school for some part, so my classmates were like “are you all right?” or some of them just like “oh! She’s always like this while reading…” But really, although I isn’t as amazed as Cinder…it’s still a great book. Definitely worth reading.  

6.     Ice Cream Chocolate Brownie: a book that makes you want to eat sweet while reading.

This…is my favorite sweet…I love chocolate! (Well…I need them without sugars…) And I love Brownies…who don’t? So, that’ll be Queen of Shadow by Sarah J Maas! Because I felt so sad after reading this book!!!! I need something sweet to cheer me up! Ah!!! Ice cream is a must-needed and with brownie…well…my emotion will calm down…a bit. 

     And well…I know summer is about to come…and it actually happens in Taiwan…now! It’s so hot some time!!! Horrible. So in order to mourn my leaving spring, this book tag is here!

     What do you feel about spring? (Especially when it mentions books…) I would love to know what characters you’ll like to keep as company, tell me in the comment!
  P.S. Please add Rafe from The Kiss of Deception into the “warm characters” part…he is now one of my favorite guys!


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