The Rebellious Crown 绝世神医之逆天魔妃

The Rebellious Crown 绝世神医之逆天魔妃 ( 醉紅顏,傲視臨川 ) By 荨秣泱泱 Look who is back! Do you miss me? Wow…time has gone pretty fast since the last time I post a review. Sorry for not posting anything for such a long time, I sort of fell into the reading slump and scrambling my way out tirelessly. Besides, I’ve been crushed by all the texts I've to read for all the literature courses and endless essay…god bless me. So what was I doing in this entire year? I rarely read YA, but I turn my attention toward Chinese YA novels. Sound interesting huh? I actually hesitated a lot whether to finish this review or not, since the majority of my readers are more interested in YA and I don’t know if any of you can read Mandarin or not. Yet…I’m definitely writing a review about one of my favorite books among all the Chinese YA novel I’ve read, and I’m hoping that perhaps someday, you might be able to read it in English translation, or, you might be interested enough to read it...